Online Brigade Manager
| Tagged under: Case Study

Did you know our system has been adapted for the needs of The Boys’ Brigade and is their official membership system used across the whole of the UK and the Republic of Ireland? Here’s a short case study on working together to launch Online Brigade Manager…
We spoke to Boys’ Brigade in 2014 after identifying that our system could be easily customisable to suit their organisations needs. We met with their team and presented the full range of system capabilities and explained how the security and integrity of the system will protect their members and their reputation.
After addressing all of their questions, we were pleased when they confirmed our appointment and we launched their new system, Online Brigade Manager, across the UK and Republic of Ireland in 2016.
Online Brigade Manager provides a range of functionality to assist local Companies in administration and communication, as well as replacing their headquarters database.
This has been an exciting development for us and The Boys’ Brigade and so far the feedback from them has been excellent. We hope to work with more Boys’ Brigade organisations worldwide in the near future.
Watch our testimonial video here to hear more from The Boys’ Brigade.
Read more case studies here.